Cultural Outreach

Woman in amauti

Sharing Inuit culture and building connections

At Nunavut Sivuniksavut (NS), learning about Inuit history and culture is just the beginning. Students also play a vital role in sharing this knowledge with the wider world, becoming ambassadors for Inuit culture, Nunavut, and their communities.

Throughout their time in Ottawa, students engage in meaningful cultural outreach activities, educating local residents and organizations about Inuit history, traditions, and contemporary issues. These experiences not only raise awareness but also empower students to take pride in their heritage and develop invaluable leadership skills.

NS has made me proud to be an Inuk, just by learning our history and showing my Inuk pride at performances.


NS students are in high demand to lead cultural awareness workshops for universities, federal public servants, and community groups. These interactive sessions, ranging from 2 to 6 hours, feature presentations, storytelling, performances, and discussions. Students share their culture through personal narratives, traditional knowledge, and hands-on activities, creating an engaging and enlightening experience for participants.

School Visits

A highlight of the NS program, school visits allow students to bring Inuit history and culture to life for children, youth, and educators across the Ottawa region. They showcase traditional songs, dances, clothing, and tools, while inviting participants to join in Inuit games and hands-on cultural activities. These visits create unforgettable learning experiences for both students and participants alike.

Community Events

NS students actively participate in cultural celebrations and events across Ottawa, such as Winterlude and the Governor General’s Winter Celebration. Collaborating with local Inuit organizations like Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami, Tungasuvignat Inuit, Inuuqatigiit, and Pauktuutit, students share their culture with the Ottawa Inuit community and the general public. They also contribute to political and community initiatives, fostering connections and raising awareness about Inuit perspectives.

Through these outreach activities, NS students proudly preserve and promote Inuit culture while bridging connections with the broader Canadian community.

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