Registrars office and transcripts

Academic dates

Fall academic calendar

  1. Sept. 3 Fall Term Begins
  2. Sept. 16 Last day for official withdrawal from College for Fall 2024 with full tuition refund,less $500 tuition deposit.
  3. Sept. 25 Student Election
  4. Sept. 30 National Day for Truth and Reconciliation (College closed)
  5. Oct. 14 Thanksgiving (College closed)
  6. Oct. 28 - Nov.1 Cultural Week
  7. Nov. 8 Last day to withdraw from 2024 Fall courses without academic penalty
  8. Dec.12 - Dec.17 Final Exam Period
  9. Dec. 18 End of 2024 Fall Term
  10. Dec. 18 Grades due to Registrar’s Office (`full-time on-campus` activities) at 12:00 Noon

Winter academic calendar

  1. Jan. 8 Winter Term Begins
  2. Jan. 18 Last day for official withdrawal from College for 2025 Winter with full tuition refund, less $500 tuition deposit for new students and full refund for
  3. returning students in a subsequent term.
  4. Feb. 17 Family Day (College closed)
  5. March 3 - 7 Cultural Week
  6. March 14 Last day to withdraw from 2025 Winter courses without academic penalty
  7. March 21 NS Career Day
  8. April 18 Good Friday (College closed)
  9. April 21 Easter Monday (College closed)
  10. April 21 - April 25 Final Exam Period
  11. April 29 Grades due to Registrar’s Office (“full-time on-campus” activities) at 12:00 Noon
  12. May 15 Graduation
  13. May 16 End of 2025 Winter Term


May 15, 2025

Grading and transcripts

Accessing your Algonquin College transcript

NS does not generate official transcripts. To request an official Algonquin College transcript, please visit

Algonquin College certificate requirement

To receive an Algonquin College certificate in Inuit Studies I and/or Advanced Inuit Studies, you are required to pass all of your Fall and Winter courses.

To pass, you must achieve a mark of D- (50%) or higher in every class.

International students