Studying smart

One of the opportunities presented to students in college is that you can structure your learning to suit your needs. To become more effective in your learning consider the following:

You can use tricks to help your memory

Even if you think you have a “bad” memory, there are techniques that make it easier to remember what you learn. You can find them in the Remembering Information module.


  • Understand the concepts.
  • Make sure you understand the concepts first before you memorize them.
  • Start with the hard stuff.
  • Use the stoplight approach if you are having problems applying or understanding key concepts.
  • Create colour-coded flashcards.
  • Making flashcards in different colours lets you separate them by subject.

Learning to manage your time can help you accomplish tasks

It may seem like you never have enough time, and there are too many tasks competing for your attention. To learn strategies to get control of your time so you can get everything done, check out the modules on Creating a Weekly Schedule, Creating a Semester Plan, and Planning an Assignment.

Strategies for creating your weekly schedule

Plan for real life

Be realistic about what you can accomplish each day. For example, make sure you have some gaps between activities to allow for down time, eating, and travel.

Give yourself enough time

Budget at least 1 hour of homework for every hour of class time.

Plan study time

Plan blocks of time when you can study and work on assignments, and then figure out what work you need to do in each time slot.

Plan time for fun

Leave time in your schedule for the things that make life worthwhile, such as hobbies or time with friends.

Don’t over commit

Try to avoid cramming your schedule with activities and tasks. Leave some free time for flexibility. Remember: you are not going to be able to predict for all of the unexpected events that can and will happen.

Spread things out

Try to spread activities without fixed times across the week so that they are not all concentrated on already busy days.

There are strategies that can improve your learning and studying

You can reduce the struggle to learn and retain information. Discover some strategies to make your study time more effective in the Knowing How to Study module.

How do you plan an assignment?

If a task seems too difficult or you don’t know where to start, breaking it into smaller tasks can help make it easier to do. An assignment tracker is a document that you can use to break big assignments into smaller, more manageable steps. This module will show you how to plan out the time you need to complete your assignments.

Strategies for using the assignment tracker

Plan enough time

Be prepared to invest an average of 2 solid hours for every 5% an assignment is worth.

Start planning your time early in the semester

The earlier you start managing your time, the easier it is. Get into good habits early so you don’t fall behind.

Start assignments early

Start at least two weeks before the due date. Give yourself enough time to complete your assignment properly.

Spread out the work

Break your assignment into smaller chunks. Spread your work out instead of doing it all at the last minute.

Studying more efficiently

  • It is useful to learn good study habits and techniques in order to make the most out of your studying. Learning how to study can help you study more efficiently. This module will explain some of the ways that you can improve your study habits.


  • Turn off your phone.
  • Don’t use texts and calls as an excuse that you are needed elsewhere.
  • Have a plan.
  • Plan when you will study so you don’t end up cramming at the last minute.
  • Be realistic.
  • Ask yourself: How will a small bit of procrastination affect your stress levels, anxiety, health and overall success?
  • Plan for YOU.
  • Tailor your study plan to accommodate how you learn best.
  • Remember your goals.
  • Relate your studying to real-world consequences. How will this knowledge help you in the future?

Creating a good workspace is good for your health

When you have good digital health habits and good ergonomics, it will help you be more productive. You can find out more in the module on Creating a Workspace.

Creating a Workspace

This module will explain some of the ways that you can improve your study habits. It is useful to learn good study habits and techniques in order to make the most out of your studying. Learning how to study can help you study more efficiently.



Check your desk

Assess your workstation area with the Ontario Ministry of Labour's Guide: Computer Ergonomics: Workstation Layout and Lighting. Small changes can make a big difference in your comfort.


Sleep tech-free

Limiting tech use at bedtime will help you get a better sleep, so you can feel good and be productive in the day. Experts recommend that you eliminate smartphone use in the hour before bed, and avoid charging your phone in the bedroom.


Get mindful with your mobile

Is real life passing you by while you check your phone and scroll endlessly? Taking a day or two to track your mobile habits will illuminate any areas of concern. We've got lots of tips to help you here.