College withdrawal policy/process & refund, academic penalty dates
If you officially withdraw within 10 business days from the start date of your program, you are entitled to a refund of any fees paid less the $500.00 non-refundable tuition deposit.
If you officially withdraw after 10 business days from the start date of your program (September 16th, 2024 & January 18th, 2025), no refund will be issued and you will still be liable for payment of any outstanding fees owing to the College.
Note: November 8th, 2024 is the last day to withdraw from 2024 Fall courses without academic penalty. March 14th, 2025 is the ast day to withdraw from 2025 Winter courses without academic penalty.
Attendance policy
Students are responsible for attending every class and keeping an average attendance of at least 80% over each semester (with exceptions*).
*Exceptions include sickness, medical appointments, tragedy, academic and professional opportunities (pre-approved by the Executive Director).
Late assignment policy
Assignments handed in after the deadline will lose 3% for a maximum of 10 days (including weekends). Any assignment handed in after 10 days will need to be approved by the instructor. If you think that you are unable to meet a deadline, let the instructor know in advance of the deadline and we can discuss an extension.
Exam policy
- Arrive 15 minutes before your exam time.
- No food is permitted in the exam room.
- No talking during exams.
- The only time you may leave the exam room is to use the washroom.
- All cell phones, tablets, laptops and any other electronic devices must be turned on silent and are not permitted at your desk unless a laptop is required for an online exam.
- Bring ONLY the resources that are permitted in your particular exam, these will be indicated in each course. Not all exams allow resources. If permitted:
- Open book exam resources may only be print based. If you have an eText, you will need to print out the pages you require for your exam.
- Each instructor may have additional rules or expectations. It is your responsibility to confirm these expectations with your instructor ahead of time.
- If you require any accommodations, please arrange with your instructor ahead of time.
- Once you have handed in your exam, you are not permitted to reenter the exam room until everyone has completed their exam.
Sick policy
If you are sick for more than 3 days in a row, you are required to submit a doctor’s note to NS. For absences related to your mental health, we require a note from the NS Counsellor.