Year 1 explores the story of Inuit society from their perspective, focusing on history, land claims, governance, and contemporary issues. Through courses in Inuktut and cultural studies, students examine the evolving Inuit-Canada relationship, connecting to their heritage and gaining tools to shape their future in a transformative academic experience.
Fall Semester
Inuit History I - HIS6100
Delve into the complex history of the Inuit people, from ancient times to their encounters with non-Inuit (Qallunaat). Students will learn about archaeological methods and Inuit responses to early interactions with outsiders.
Nunavut Land Claims Agreement I - SSC0091
This course provides an in-depth look at the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement (NLCA), exploring its provisions and the role it plays in Inuit governance and resource management.
Contemporary Issues in Inuit Society I - SSC0090
This course explores the history of Inuit self-governance, focusing on Inuit-led organizations and their role in regaining control over their lives. Students will learn about the history of Canadian policies and evaluate current issues surrounding Inuit rights.
Inuit Cultural Studies I - SSC0118
Students will explore their cultural heritage in this course, fostering a deeper connection to Inuit traditions and enhancing their sense of identity. They will also learn how to share their culture with others.
Communications I - ENL1813G
Effective communication is a vital skill in all areas of life. This course helps students develop their writing, speaking, listening, reading, and information gathering skills—tools that will serve them in their academic, professional, and personal lives.
Inuktut I (Saavittut) - LAN0023
This introductory course teaches students the basics of Inuktitut, empowering them to speak, read, and write in their cultural language.
Inuktut II (Kisaqtut) - LAN0024
Building on the foundation from Inuktitut I, this course helps students develop intermediate language skills in Inuktitut for everyday use.
Inuktut III (Tulaktut) - LAN0025
This advanced course offers students the opportunity to integrate intermediate Inuktitut language skills into daily life through speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
Winter Semester
Inuit History II - HIS6101
Dive deeper into Inuit history, focusing on the early stages of contact with outsiders. Students will study the history of explorers, traders, and their impact on Inuit society.
Nunavut Land Claims Agreement II - SSC0092
Building on the foundation from Nunavut Land Claims Agreement I, this course takes a closer look at the articles of the NLCA, exploring how they affect land and resource management in Nunavut.
Contemporary Issues in Inuit Society II - SSC0093
Explore Inuit representation in politics and the significant contributions of Inuit-run organizations. This course connects the student’s personal experiences to broader community development strategies.
Inuit-Government Relations - SSC6103
This course examines the political dynamics between Inuit society and the Canadian government, including negotiation strategies and the creation of Inuit political organizations.
Inuit Cultural Studies II - SSC0121
Expand on the cultural performance skills developed in Inuit Cultural Studies I. Students will plan and implement a cultural exchange, sharing Inuit culture with another Indigenous group abroad.
Communications II - ENL1823G
Building on Communications I, this course further enhances students' communication skills in writing, speaking, listening, and research, helping them to navigate life’s challenges with clarity.
Inuktut I - LAN0023
An introductory course to the language of Inuit culture, this course teaches basic Inuktitut skills for use in everyday life through a variety of interactive learning methods.
Inuktut II - LAN0024
Students will continue to develop their Inuktitut language skills, expanding their abilities to communicate in both written and spoken forms.
Inuktut III - LAN0025
The advanced level course provides students with the tools to confidently use Inuktitut in a variety of contexts, integrating language skills into their daily lives.